Shared today on Twitter

@jennifermarsman Munich, Germany 😃

“Das ist mein Morgengesicht,” he says. 😂

Having our Frühstück at the breakfast bar in the new place. Feeling better thanks to all the lovely messages. ❤️

RT @dtraub: This week’s Ask Me Anything about AWS starts in 20 minutes (10 BST, 11 CEST, 12 EEST). Today, I’m joined by @alex_casalboni and…

@diversionary @stephenlead Reminds me I meant to tell you, the number of times we have referenced “needing to find the Sample of Munich” in the last two weeks… is considerable. 😂

@diversionary @stephenlead We are bearing the deprivation as best we can. 😜

RT @coates: If you Google “2010-09-09”, you’ll likely hit the @awscloud documentation for CloudFormation, whose templates are all versioned…

@cobusbernard Wait, am I not in this channel??

@jeffbarr I’m fascinated by how you organise your calendar! I clearly need to get better at blocking out writing and prep time… 🤔

Jetzt bin ich Deutsch! ☺️