Shared today on Twitter

@simonwaight Actually the plan we’re on now is half the download speed we had in Australia, but we’re looking to upgrade…

@JessicaCGlenn Came with it. We are paying far more than we would for a normal apartment, but we figured it was worth it.

@NickyWill100 Haha, thank you!! ❤️

@zbendr The red LEDs you mean? They actually aren’t red, I discovered. They’re white but the fixture has red perspex along the sides.

@zbendr Interesting. I’ll have to get a cake to try it out! 😂

@verbaliza AMAZING. Nailed it.

RT @stroebel_econ: I have spent half of 2020 in 🗽🇺🇸, and half in 🇩🇪.

I have never appreciated the values and ideals of a “Soziale Marktwir…

RT @riffwithbiff: Sure, sex is good, but have you ever taken a catch in the crowd while wearing a pair of aviators and sucking back a dart?…

Guten Tag! Today we are at a palace. ❤️

@damana Masks in shops, taxis, public transport, or wherever you can’t distance. Outdoors is generally fine without.

We walked all over the Schloß Nymphenburg park today. I do love a formal garden…

…but there is also a lot of rambly wilderness “in the English style,” and we saw lots of ducks, geese, carp, and even a deer!

Stumbled across Pan chilling out in the forest…


For anyone who had a bet going, the first one to set off the smoke alarm while cooking was me, in under a week. 😬🔥💨

RT @rumireports: Look it’s working 👇

Japanese TV introducing the story behind each person on @NaomiOsaka’s masks throughout the tournament…

@mattstratton @shelbyspees I saw him give a keynote a few years back that purported to cover the history of programming. It began with Alan Turing. Literally no women mentioned at all. I saw one of the other speakers – a prominent woman CTO – facepalming. I think she talked to him after…

@mattstratton @shelbyspees …as the next time he gave the talk, suddenly there were slides of Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper. I was grateful that someone with more industry clout than me spoke up.

Since I was told recently that one does *not* eat Rotkohl mit Bratwurst, I did some research and tonight made my first attempt at Rouladen, from scratch. YUM! ☺️