Shared today on Twitter

@the_nathanjones I haven’t had my hair cut or dyed since the beginning of the year, and the hair dryer is on the boat. Pigtails were born of desperation. 😂


@friendlyunit 😳

@the_nathanjones Tempted to “pull a Nath” and shave it all off! 😂

@the_nathanjones WhileI would love to rock the Furiosa look, sadly I have a giant round basketball head. I’d be Charlie Brown. 🏀

@the_nathanjones I dyed it pink many years ago for a Harry Potter event. Loved it, except for turning all my pillowcases pink. 😂

@BronwenZ @lynnlangit @hankadusikova @Felienne @Doctor_Astro @lindaliukas @jessitron @julielerman @jules_kremer @VdaGeraldine @BekahHW @MariaPloessl @datachick @allPowerde @kytrinyx @SRobTweets @aprilwensel @jennapederson That heart-stopping moment when you wake up to a flurry of twitter notifications and wonder if it was something good or bad… in this case very good! Thank you @lynnlangit ❤️

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