@mmastertheone Yeah. I got the email from them about it this morning. Ugh!
@hannahyanfield Consider it a helpful way to help you filter the very best candidates!
@the_nathanjones Damn you. I just made the grocery list, but I think I’m going to have to revise…
@CoreyGinnivan @the_nathanjones AMAZING. ❤️
@tdpauw I’m sorry. I hope you feel better soon!
Things I like about German grocery stories:
– an ENTIRE ROW of pickles
– frozen giant pretzels you bake in the oven
– FOUR rows of cookies & cakes
– more types of salamis & deli meats than I ever knew existed
What I don’t like about German grocery stores:
– So. Expensive. 💰
Okay, I would’ve rated myself an expert googler (from way back when you could use things like “site:” and “link:” in your search), and I legit did not know wildcards were a thing. 😳 https://t.co/gsWLhYwxxZ
@ColtPower The sign on the aisle just says, “Sauergemüse”. 😍
@the_nathanjones @CoreyGinnivan Interestingly, I have yet to see it in a supermarket here. 🤔
@mauerbac I was gonna say Aurora, but is it a boy? How about Dynamo? 🙂
RT @renebrandel: @nil_ooy 👋 PM for Amplify here! We’re actually running a user study. If you’re curious about Amplify today (and what we’re…
@gckeller It may be the things we buy. We used to eat fairly low-carb in Australia, but fresh meat is pretty expensive. At the moment it’s just anecdotal; once I have a few more weeks’ data I’ll be able to compare better.
@abertrotzdem Our neighbourhood has a farmers market every Thursday! We checked it out last week. Definitely will be making use of that.
@abertrotzdem @ClacaEuropa Okay, now googling Turkish supermarkets. There are a few not too far away. It’ll be easier once we have our bicycles!
@Seiler_IT Yes. I’m a planner; I like to make a menu and a list for the whole week. And while I like Aldi/Lidl, they are so disorganised and the stock changes so frequently that it’s hard to plan.