Shared today on Twitter

@chaitanyakuber I’m still not quite sure what the Mom’s deal was. She was going to… be a terrorist or something? That Storyline didn’t pay off.

@minxdragon @_LightningHawk Cool idea, and probably easier as I’m assuming an AR Patch doesn’t need to be an exact square!

A few days ago we learned there is a Thing called Weißbierfrühstück where you eat pretzels and sausages and drink beer at breakfast, and oh god yes, we made that happen. 🥨🍻

@chixors Sure. But why did she leave? What was her group trying to do? What was her whole secret deal? What did she do with all of Mycroft’s money? Why was she still hiding at the end?

@gilmae Served at the oldest brewery in Munich, which is 15 minutes walk from our flat.

“I feel like my Australia-honed skill at deveining prawns with a knife and fork,” said @the_snook, “is really helping me with this weisswurst.”

@gilmae Sure. Saving museums for the winter, but I’ll remember.

@abertrotzdem @the_snook We were told that’s an advanced technique, so we started with the simpler way. 😆

RT @erzaehlmirnix: Weil ich heute flach liege, ein Klassiker, der immer geht 🙂

@_LightningHawk Aww, thanks! That’s just the short version. I’ve done a couple other 45min talks about tech and knitting too. ☺️

So, it turns out when you drink beer for breakfast, it kind of zonks you out for the rest of the day. 😴