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@rosepowell Ooh, both Rodd and I both enjoyed her Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell as well, which was made into a TV series recently.

@rosepowell It’s been a long time since I read it, but some of the imagery really stuck with me. Very old school stuff about the Fae which was all quite spooky!

Departing on another adventure on a grey and rainy day… @ München Hauptbahnhof

Me: This is Oberammergau. They’ve been doing a famous Passion Play every ten years since 1634 to keep the plague away.
The Snook: Is it working?
Me: Well, they’re not doing it in 2020… because of Covid. 😔

About to take the Wankbahn up to the Wankhaus for lunch on Wank Mountain. (Not kidding.) 🚡🏔 @ Wankbahn

So that was a steep and foggy ride to the top of Mount Wank! 🏔☁️ @ Wankbahn

Bergsteiger (Mountain Climber) Schnitzel. (We cheated by taking the Wankbahn!) @ Sonnenalm

“There are more bears and wolves in Europe than the continental US,” says the Snook, thinking he’s being helpful. “With brown bears, you should play dead.”


Sadly, not much of a view at the Wankhaus today. 🏔☁️ @ Wankhaus

It’s been 26 years since I had Spaghetti-Eis. 🥰🍨 @ Eiscafe Bellini

Our hotel room has a hell of a view. #smelltheserenity @ Eibsee Hotel

I had to text a German friend to confirm that, yes, you’re supposed to be naked in the sauna here. But in the end we were the only ones in there, so there was no one else to witness our bravery! 😅