Shared today on Twitter

The first snow of the season in Munich. It’s a #reInvent miracle! 😍❄️

@darthted Is this like when my family send me Peeps to be funny? Because they’re the worst?

@darthted One time in college, @emd3737 licked a Peep and stick it to our dorm room wall. It stayed there for the next 8 months, turning into concrete, until we had to chip it off with a butter knife. I never willingly ate one after!

Wow! Be sure to check out the video too. I’ve worked on iOS development teams, and this would’ve been a game changer.

I looked up “best stollen in Munich” and then went to Cafe Kreuzkamm to get some yesterday.

Me: How is it?
Him: It tastes like a cookie. I’m eating cookies for breakfast! @ Theresienhöhe

@Mandy_Kerr This is the content I’ve been waiting for ALL YEAR.

RT @sebsto: Jeff announced Mac1 instances for Amazon EC2. iOS/tvOS/watchOS developers: you can now have build machines running in the cloud…

RT @yokoonobot: Therapist: And what do we do when we’re sad?
Yoko: Think about pretzels?
Therapist: Correct.

@Amys_Kapers A pomander!

RT @awscloud: This morning, #reInvent 2020 kicks off with a live keynote from @ajassy. 🎙 Register for free & join us live at 8AM PT. #AWS h…

RT @jennapederson: New to #AWS or new to #reInvent? Check out AWS Hero @hirokonishimura’s guide for @awsnewbies and find some sessions 👉 ht…

@anshumalis I wondered who would be up! 🙂

What, aren’t you all knitting while watching the @amazonwebservices #reinvent pre-show too? 🧶 @ Munich, Germany

RT @lizthegrey: Hi #reInvent #reInvent2020! For more info on @honeycombio’s migration to #Graviton2, see https://t.…

@lizthegrey @honeycombio It’s lovely to see mentions of companies and people you know! Well done, Honeycomb and Liz. 🙂

Yay, nice shoutout from @ajassy for, like, the entire nation of Australia. ❤️🇦🇺 #reinvent

@ctford Dole Whips are overrated. 😜

SageMaker Data Wrangler. Yes, please! I need this, as evidenced by the two ML models I trained earlier today. 😂 #reinvent

Oh god, is this where I admit I saw Phantom Menace seven times in the theater? Even though I walked out of the first showing knowing in my heart it was crap? And I’d just sit there twiddling my thumbs every time until the final lightsaber battle?

RT @dtraub: Heute Abend nach der re:Invent Keynote: @hoegertn, @andreas_ruetten und @Osterjour diskutieren gemeinsam die Neuankündigungen b…

RT @mavi888uy: And because @ajassy didn’t announce it in stage, I get to announce it!

New Amazon Lookout for vision! New ML service that…

Live now – @AWSCommunityDE sprechen über die #reInvent Keynote mit @dtraub @hoegertn @andreas_ruetten @Osterjour

Sadly, my Adventskalendar is as close as I’m getting to a Weihnachtsmarkt this year! 🍫🎄 @ Munich, Germany

@hoegertn Yes. 😂 We were worried that it wouldn’t fit in our apartment when it arrived from Australia, and it only JUST does. But hey, you were practically life size!