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@vertis Pretty sure it was @craigles75 where I first learned of the concept. Had to have been a Melbourne hipster… 😂

Unboxing the salami-kabel-trommel (aka 3.5m SPOOL OF SALAMI). It’s everything we dreamed it would be. 😍

@petehanssens @simonwaight I’m actually experimenting with converting mine to static this weekend… but mine’s been going since 2000. 😳

RT @codepo8: Never forget

@caskings Sadly I don’t think they ship to Oz. 🙁

RT @AmeliaRoseWrite: If he wins any more states he’s gonna start raking in the 1UPs

@petehanssens @simonwaight I’m looking at WPStatic at the moment. My colleague @ziniman got it running on his…

Size check. Only about halfway through the torso section. 😭 #endlessstockinette #why #lanatus

I’ll be helping out with the Twitch stream for this on Tuesday. Great opportunity to get hands-on with AWS services and have fun with new friends! 🦄

“Hey Dr. Jones! Keine Zeit für Liebe.” 😂 Classic.

RT @Chasten: The author could’ve used fewer words to just say “ya know in my day we didn’t have to respect women.”

RT @emd3737: That Dr. Biden article is trash and @WSJ is trash for publishing it.
Dr. Dunne

RT @hacks4pancakes: Yea, if you’re ever feeling imposter syndrome or being self-effacing in your resume, remember that some dude with only…

@Vel12171 HA! Not in Munich. ❄️

@TheRealBnut 100%. Unfortunately with lockdown my opportunities to talk with German people are limited to the supermarket. Watching movies I know well definitely helps, and I can try to anticipate the translations. “Wir nannten den Hund Indiana!” 😂

@TheRealBnut It works better in theory than practice. Sadly, not much call for “Yippee-kai-yay Schweinbacke!” in normal life. 😂