Shared today on Twitter

@liza_moss Nah, this regulation is decades old and appears to be based on an old West German tax on cards. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

@boundvariable That was Rodd’s guess – some sort of complicated LSD delivery system on faux cards. πŸ˜‚

@supercoco9 πŸ˜‚

@kevdesign Well, the cookies are Dutch, but the chocolate bar is Deutsch. πŸ˜‚ Germans call it Spekulatius; my understanding is the Dutch call it Speculaas. Right? And the rest of the label is all in German…

Sweet! Keen to watch this one. πŸ™‚

Ooh, @mavi888uy has just inspired me to migrate a script I’m running locally on my laptop to a proper serverless app with SAM! Seems like every #reinvent session I watch, my project list gets longer and longer… πŸ˜‚

All I want for Christmas is for @Google to let me forward them stupid requests from content marketers to update decade-old blog posts to link to their crappy articles, and have Google punish them by tanking their search engine rankings. Bah, humbug. πŸŽ…

Awww. Just watching a “year in review” video from the @awscloud team in Australia and caught a flash of me and @minxdragon taking a selfie at #communityday. β€οΈπŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

RT @NaveenS16: Beautifully laid outpost by @adhorn on Chaos Engineering β€” Part 1: The art of breaking things purposefully…

@DemsAbroad @drhrcarlin @votefromabroad Ahhh, good to know! I hadn’t realised I was lucky enough to be in a shipping area. Sorry to others for getting their hopes up…

@ASpittel Weaving. Like, on a proper loom.

LOVE IT @nathangloverAUS! But you lose points for not having video of a fluffy cat being fed. Where is floof?? 😺

@nathangloverAUS Hahahahaha, nice! We left our floofy boy back in Australia, but I get regular videos and photos of him. ❀️

@stockholmux You will be pleased to know I submitted a new phone tool icon today for “white backdrop.” I’ll let you know if it gets approved. πŸ™‚

RT @jennapederson: Oh this looks pretty cool! MAPS! πŸ—Ί

@stockholmux …and it just got rejected. πŸ™ 2020, I tell ya.

Chicken Chorizo Tray Bske. Yum! @ Munich, Germany

@GunnarGrosch @nathangloverAUS The answer to all those questions is just β€œAustralia, mate.”