@simonwaight @FloorDrees Hmmm. I haven’t used anything great TBH. If you Google for “knitters graph paper” you can download paper set to specific gauges so at least you know accurately what it will look like. I use image editor to layer my source image and then manually colour in the relevant boxes.
@simonwaight @FloorDrees It’s a good question though. I’ll make a note to talk about it on my knitting Twitch stream tomorrow!
@TheWonkaTonka You should give it a go if it’s on your Netflix. I loved it (even though due to the accents I missed 15% of the dialogue). 😂
Fit check! Good grief, still knitting. Didn’t hit my goal of finishing during #reinvent, but hey, there are more sessions in January. 😜🧶 https://t.co/ksU5LTJXZa
So they talk about Fledermaüse constantly, but he still goes by Batman. 🦇 https://t.co/t75i4F6m6e
RT @FunkoPOPsNews: First peek at the awesome new Good Omens Funko POPs! With Crowley and Aziraphale ~ Available at the links below .. sooon…
Merry Christmas to me! https://t.co/2yiYZkiG4s