Shared today on Twitter

@knitterjp @nabiac85 Shared it yesterday! Pretty cool.

@robfindlay WordPress on Lightsail is pretty fast, but I haven’t tried it on a mobile. You do have to go into the browser-based terminal to retrieve the password… 🤔

I don’t care how great your tech rant is; if one of your arguments relies on “the solution is so simple your mom could use it,” you’ve lost me. Come up with something better. My Mom was a sysadmin, and she’d think you were being sexist and patronising.

@dshafik Exactly!!

@DgtlNmd @dtraub Ha! It’s easy when you just focus on nouns and verbs and ignore all conjugations and declensions. 😜

My colleague @dtraub has launched the first episode of our new German language AWS podcast! If you speak German (or are looking to learn), you should check it out. 🇩🇪❤️☁️

Blog post: The Cost of Living. We’ve now got a few months of expense data so we can compare Australia vs Germany!

RT @PavelASamsonov: @web_goddess @neil_killick My grandmother was programming mainframes before these hot take havers were ever born.

@abertrotzdem I figured, but I haven’t really looked into it since we’ve just been working from home. Will keep in mind though!

@charis The total is up to three now, but you were still the first!