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RT @lucykbain: One of my goals for this year is to dive deeper into coaching others 🙂 I’m offering four women six free coaching sessions ea…

RT @DeathStarPR: As Emperor Palpatine is falling down the reactor shaft, several high-profile members of his executive have resigned in pro…

Already out of date – I’m picking up new work laptop today! Thinking of ways I could preserve the stickers on the old one. Maybe photograph and use as wallpaper on new one?

RT @IanColdwater: maybe they should learn to code

Here’s #lanatus in all its glory! ❤️❄️🧶 What a difference blocking makes. The design really pops now, and you can see how the changing needle size affects the shape at the bottom. Lovely design, @susancrawfordvintage! 👏

@randomknits @gilmae I have also repeated that anecdote, so it’s possible we’re all three sharing it around in a circle. 😂

@kouky @mattallen I read the book, wept and wept, and couldn’t bring myself to watch the movie. I decided in a similar scenario I’d take the mother’s route.

Food for thought? French bean plants show signs of intent, say scientists – Crowley WAS RIGHT! 😈

The last time I rode a bicycle in snow was on campus at Notre Dame 22 years ago! I forgot how scary/fun it is. 😂 @ Munich, Germany

@codepo8 The biggest problem I have riding here is that I keep giving way to cars when they are waiting for me. I’ve been conditioned in Sydney to expect all drivers to be hostile and want to knock me off the road!

@netpraxis Thank you!!

@cczona Thank you! Fun to knit, too (despite the acres of plain stocking stitch…)

@dunneteach Thanks Kerry!

@metaskills Thanks! Didn’t quite make it to the finish line during Reinvent, but hey, there’s still some more sessions to come, so I’m calling it a victory anyway. 🙂

@netpraxis @carlyfindlay Are you a knitter, Carly?? It’s a really fun pattern to make. (The plain part felt like it took foreeevvvver though.)

@vertis Yeah, we’ve got one for the ex-Canva folks too… (If any alumni want access, just hit me up.)

RT @mattstratton: Mark your calendars for next week’s #devopspartygames in a non-US time zone! Featuring @stormy_prime @srhtcn @LucyDavinha…

@KaiPMDH @mattstratton @stormy_prime @srhtcn @LucyDavinhart @jessalyn @cobusbernard @pczarkowski @phrawzty Oh lord no. As I said to @phrawzty, “I’m a MANAGER these days! I’m just going to make stuff up!” And he was cool with that. So I will be spewing 100% nonsense and just having fun. 😝