Shared today on Twitter

@johnallsopp Niiiiiice

@msharp When we left Australia, we sent all of Rodd’s old Spectrum games to the ACMI in Melbourne!

@msharp Nah. Here was the thread:

@msharp LOL, you commented on it!

RT @Vel12171: Just in time for #IWD2021 #IWD21 πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰. Join the #awspretoriameetup for an awesome #womenwhocloud speaker line-up full of #aws r…

Proposal: the “Techdel Test” for panels, tech talks, and tech video series. Are there two women who talk to each other about something technical? Then it passes. That’s pretty much it.

@soganmageshwar @darkosubotica We gave in and bought a multifunction with a built-in scanner, because Germans love sending you bureaucracy through the post. 😐

Really great to see so many attendees at tonight’s @thoughtworks Presents meetup about Women in Gaming! πŸ™Œ Looking forward to hearing from Martina, Renee, and Brie…

Interesting result from a survey about gaming genre preferences. As someone who in recent years has become obsessed with Stardew Valley and 1000000 and YMBAB, this definitely describes me.

@mmastertheone Margaret – I was literally working on an idea for a new thing that will highlight cool stuff women build when I got that tweet. πŸ˜‚ Perfect timing!

RT @dannysteenman: Did you know you’re able to extend any AWS Exam with a permanent 30 minutes extra?

if you’re a non-native English speak…