I updated @ynab and our personal finance spreadsheets last night. Last year we averaged 18% of our income on “Wants.” So far this year it’s at 3.7%. 😧 Lockdown is good for the retirement savings, if nothing else.
RT @breakthesystem: A helicopter flew on Mars! https://t.co/vSct7tyyYX
@FuckboisOfLit Hahahahaha. 😂 I’m sorry; you’re absolutely right that that “review” is ridiculous. But it’s also hilarious. As you say, who opens a podcast with that name expecting a serious academic work?! What an idiot.
The thirteenth (semi-)annual Web-Goddess Oscar Contest has officially launched! 🎉 And this year you can win everyone’s favourite family – the Roses of Schitt’s Creek… as sock monkeys. Yes, really. (I hope @danjlevy likes them!) https://t.co/yyq9nYaySS https://t.co/fn0iCjt6zc
Bulgogi, cheese tteokbokki, kimchi, and beer. Damn I’m good! 🍚🍻 https://t.co/guQWqU4YUr