@gilmae Well, we did follow it up with a discussion of how one could actually solve poverty or homelessness without crashing global economies, so it wasn’t all “Party on the ISS”. 😂
Streaming again… and testing out the Duckypad. 🧶🤓 https://t.co/YTHlokdD6L https://t.co/JvB9l9JyEs
@gilmae Right, but if I crash it too soon, then I don’t have any more resources to help people. So whether to be pragmatic and try to help within the system, or just go full Danaerys and try to break the wheel. (I know which option you choose.) Heady stuff for a silly icebreaker, really.
First visit to a Biergarten in six months. Munich is coming back to life. ❤️🍺☀️ @ Hopfengarten https://t.co/OOTyvBxQKS
RT @JessicaFGWrites: Wise words here. https://t.co/l04C3LLShT