Shared today on Twitter

Could not love this more! I LOLed when the paws went up on the laptop… 😂❤️🐕 Well done @isahuerga and Jago!

@gerardsans The knitting within arms’ reach is the most important part. 😉

@stevelikesyou @mobywhale @LookaheadSearch Wonderful news! Congrats to all of you. ❤️

@IamStan @gerardsans I don’t actually play it either. 😂 But last year when I realised my existing chair wasn’t cutting it for WFH, I spotted that one from @secretlabchairs and couldn’t resist. (Plus it was one of the few that was in stock!)

RT @Vel12171: I love @awscloud customer stories. I’m super excited to be joining @AwsugBoston later today to share one of my most faves #dr…

16.5km ride to Fßrstenreid and back. I found a Gänsemädchen Brunnen (goose girl fountain)!

Sun’s out, and the beer’s so clear you can see through it. ☀️🍺❤️ (2021 Biergarten Count: 2) @ Restaurant Nestroy-Garten