@jontv First one I did! 😂 The most useful by far…
Had my first proper German class in 27 years this morning! Viel Spaß. ❤️🇩🇪 Danke @berlitz_de!
@NickyWill100 Noooo. We are still basically under lockdown, so only Zoom.
RT @aeduhm: Earlier this year, I prepared for and passed 12 AWS certification exams.
This thread is an attempt to distill my learnings int…
RT @6x6project: Ceci N’est Pas Un Spectacle by Sam Meech uses the tradition of motif making in knitting as an absurdly reductive approach t…
RT @dnsmichi: Reminder – Wednesday next week, we’ll welcome @web_goddess with #MachineLearning and #Knitting 💡 https://t.co/VoD2IUwzBW
@stringy Heya! I was talking to @Vel12171 today about #GAAD2021 and a11y issues, and I suddenly realised I should intro the two of you. You’re both awesome, and you both care deeply about this stuff!
On June 29th I’ll be joining some of my AWS colleagues here in Deutschland to share our experiences in tech and answer questions about charting a career path in the world of cloud computing. You can register here: https://t.co/HPAtLlFmFR https://t.co/Tkg3CHamce
@OxieDev I think most of it should be generally applicable anywhere! We haven’t planned out the topics yet in full, but I can’t imagine it’ll be that specific. (They wouldn’t have invited me; I’ve only been here 8 months!)