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@aussiemusicfan @minxdragon Good lord, I was there one year later in summer of ‘94, and I have the same set of photos. 😂 Here’s Rodd with the wine barrel yesterday…

@aussiemusicfan @minxdragon …which I just realised was on my original tweet. (I just woke up.)

“I now see the attraction of the gooseneck pourer.” Look at this effing hipster. (He’s in his happy place.) ❤️☕️

@bmusedbystandr Yup. Fancy copper filter thing.

Was für ein schöner Tag. ❤️☀️🎶🎸 @ Philosophenweg

Fun at Schloß Schwetzingen. When I came here in 1994, I thought it was the most beautiful garden I’d ever seen. It’s still right up there… ❤️🌳🌹🌺🌼

I’m still pretty new to the DB @_DiningCar, but that warm ham-and-cheese sandwich was better than it had any right to be. 😋 #headinghome

Home again in Munich. Forgot to mention that this trip was also a celebration – I’ve hit 3 years at @awscloud, and I’ve also graduated as a Bar Raiser (a recognition of my skill and experience as an interviewer). Pretty proud of that… 😊