@alex_casalboni @Vel12171 Alex. It’s been on perpetual re-runs for the last 20 years! And I think it’s coming to Netflix shortly. (There’s your honeymoon sorted!) 😂
@seanmtracey Three letters, three syllables. (Same goes for AMI.) #prescriptivist
@trisha_gee For a minute I thought this was one of those “what would you post on social to let your friends know you’d been kidnapped?” things. 😂
@dtraub @seanmtracey Somehow this is worse, Dennis.
@dtraub @seanmtracey Now I’m picturing one of those ridiculous videos with the map and the faces, and you’re the German one and Sean is Mr. Kingdom. 😂
@boundvariable @msharp @oysta I’m a bald, one-armed war captain and imperator betraying my boss to save a bunch of captive women
@Orange_Swan I’m so, so sorry. We lost our dear Puss last year, and it was so hard. Hugs. ❤️
@pmodco @seanmtracey Next you’re gonna tell me it’s “jif.” 😐
So I’m working on a 🍺-related project with @mcunhaana and @jennapederson, and I needed photos of beer. I found this one from Batch Brewing back in Sydney, and to my delight when I zoomed in I could see myself, @unlikelylibrary, and @knitterjp. ❤️ I miss my friends. https://t.co/CuQm6v1gEO
@pmodco @seanmtracey Two years as an SA in Australia and I don’t think I ever heard someone say ah/am mee!