@Paul_Bone @HeartOfPluto_ I got tagged on that one a few days ago. I think it’s been going around a while. The bit I can’t figure out is why they’re knitting left-handed (or why they flipped the video).
RT @adamliaw: We’ve historically avoided classifying Australian Chinese food as its own part of Australian cuisine, but it’s quite undeniab…
@40PercentGerman I sing the song. https://t.co/hFxaDLjaIH
Finished Sex Education season 3 tonight. ❤️ Maeve going to the US is the 2022 equivalent of Joey Potter and the Paris trip, except thankfully Maeve has a female friend who tells her to GO. (Ugh, could Adam break my heart anymore though? Amazing how he has evolved.)
RT @StanRockPatton: A 50-year-old mystery in Conway’s Game of Life has just been solved. A pattern has been discovered that cannot be gener…
@madole Come on, I thought I was the last one to watch it!!
@georgiecel RIGHT? And the acting is so good. He and his Dad… both killed me.
@emd3737 Yes, and I love him, even though I had to hide my face when he made Poor Decisions and I knew it was going to Crush Adam. 😭
@gilmae I don’t remember that. 😐
@joneaves 💥 Damn straight!
@BugHunterSam Yes! Cal’s whole story was so good, and I was glad they got a nice little story that didn’t revolve around Jackson. ❤️