Shared today on Twitter

@IanMmmm Congrats! I know that @OlenaKutsenko went there last year, and she’s fantastic so I can confirm you’ve got some good folks on your team. 🙂

@NickyWill100 @CosmicRami @Astronomisty Oh very cool! My friend @HeartOfPluto_ created a giant knitted universe that’s currently on display at the State Library of Victoria in Melbourne:

RT @AwsugNepal: AWS User Group Nepal is proud to announce AWS’s flagship event, AWS Community Day 2022🎉 for the first time in Nepal.

📅 So…

@Typhon666_death I recognise these lovely people! Hello to you all. ❤️

@bhandari_barsha @RKridhima @anjaniphuyal Very happy to support! Ridhima – let’s plan out when we go to Nepal next year. 😍

RT @Typhon666_death: Let’s rock!!

#jawsug #AWSCommunityAPAC

@IanMmmm @OlenaKutsenko Sadly not this year. Will be packing up the house to move back to Oz!

@CosmicRami @NickyWill100 @HeartOfPluto_ Oh that’s super cool! I actually saw it back in June when I was in Melbs. Such a small world. ❤️

@CosmicRami @NickyWill100 @HeartOfPluto_ Incidentally, I’ve had this in my Ravelry queue forever. One of these days…

@Vel12171 @guimathed Agree – that dress is stunning and so are you!

@Vel12171 @guimathed Facebook and Instagram keep showing me ads for dresses from African designers. This must be a sign that I need to do some shopping!!

@chrisgander I just want to see Daemon chopping them all to bits.