Wondering if the pleasure of meeting the Snook at the East Sydney for lunch outweighs the annoyance of going out into the sweltering heat.
Saying goodbye to Clare and Emily at the Royal. Has it really been a whole year? Bon voyage, ladies. You’ll be missed.
Gah. Website problem identified. Stupid host upgraded to mod_security 2 without warning. None of 1.x rules work anymore. STUPID!
is apparently channeled by ScarJo in “Scoop,” at least according to Em & Clare. Not yet sure if this is a good thing. No urges to sing Tom Waits covers… yet
Yeah, the whole “25 Random Things about Me” thing? We were doing that on the Internet (x 4!) SEVEN YEARS AGO. I dug up my old copy and gave it a quick update so y’all will quit tagging me with this business.