
In my sweetest voice…
“Linley, dear, 2005 called and they said to leave the Feathers in the past where it belongs.”I really did say that.


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  1. hehehe… was she gonna knit some fug??

  2. Actually she’s in the middle of some fug. Crocheted fug. Featuring granny squares. It’s too horrible to contemplate. It’s giving me post-traumatic stress disorder.

  3. NNNooooOOOOOooooo!!!
    Friends dont let friends do that! Or work colleagues either!
    (still trying on the women at my work)

  4. can that woman get a bottle of sense and taste very quickly – I can’t believe you mention let alone linked to the yarn that shall not be named!!!!

  5. exactly friends don’t let friends knit with that unmentionable stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. BTW, Talking of Knitting Nemeses, have you listened to the Sticks and String Episode when ::someone:: from the Guild talks about your entries in the Show? It’s hilarious – I was rolling on the floor! It’s either Ep22 or 23. (I’m well behind – I’m listening to old ones at the moment.)

  7. Oh yeah. I’ve heard it. Evidently I have a reputation for being all WACKY and WEARING HOODS or something. (I have no idea what she was on about.)

  8. wearing hoods…maybe she thinks you are a pixie or something?

    You crazy hood-wearing person you.

    I use Feathers for making hair for my amigurumi. Is that wrong?

  9. Hmmm…and I use it for my stepdaughter and her friends teddy’s and dolls. They make great scarves and beanies quickly and easily that stand up to the average 8 – 10 year olds mistreatment (ie being swung around by the scarf tied around poor teddy & dollies neck). Means my good yarn is put to practical and more well cared for use.

  10. Hair and kids’ stuff are perfectly acceptable uses. Afghans? SOOOO NOT.

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