
Yay! Balloons!File this under “Meaningless but Still Momentous”: This is officially my 10,000th blog post. Yes, really. It’s taken me just shy of 11 years to hit that milestone. Obviously my posting frequency has dropped off a lot in recent years, but I still can’t see myself ever stopping completely. I was never able to keep a proper diary, so this blog has become the record of my life for the past 11 years.

As a fun little project, I went back to the beginning and made a list of the Old School Bloggers that I still read and follow to this day. There aren’t many of us still chugging along after so long!

  • Brigita – Her original blog was 13 Days from Monday. At the end of 2007, she switched to My Cancer Deployment to document her battle with rectal cancer. She’s also got Sugarmouth, but she doesn’t update it much anymore. She’s pretty active over on Facebook and Twitter though.
  • Gael – Her Pop Culture Junk Mail is still a daily visit for me. And she even wrote a book! She’s active on Twitter too.
  • John – His original site was decommissioned in 2002, but the new one has been going strong ever since.
  • Kevin – His original Geocities blog went away in favour of his own domain, where he’s been posting regularly ever since. He’s also pretty active on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Kristen – Still blogging at her original site. The updates have slowed a little now that she’s got two kids, of course! She’s also active on Twitter and FB.
  • Matt – Always and forever at Scrubbles.net. And he designed my current mast-head! He’s also active on Facebook and Twitter.
  • Max – Max’s original blog was a Tripod site (which hilariously now appears to be an N’Sync tribute site). He’s got a Tumblr site and Twitter now, but he doesn’t post to them that often. He’s really active on Facebook though.

I’m surprised by how much these folks feel like a regular part of my life. A few of them I’ve met in person, but most of them I only know through these digital connections. Isn’t that amazing?

12 thoughts on “10,000”

  1. Wow, 10,000 posts. That is momentous! COngratulations, Kris. I haven’t managed even 2000 in nearly 8 years.

  2. Congratulations, Kris! The fact the we almost crossed paths last year (in Wisconsin, of all places!) gives me hope the we will meet up in person soon. Nonetheless, I still consider you a real friend–and still love the socks you made for me! Here’s to 10000 more posts–at least!

  3. Wow. Just–wow! Thanks for the shout-out (do the kids still say that these days?), the blogging inspiration (both to start mine and to keep it going for as long as I did), and congrats on the amazing achievement!!

  4. Congrats – you’re a big inspiration, I enjoyed configuring my site with your blog engine in the uncharted waters of 2002 before (gasp) Blogspot, FB and the rest. I didn’t have the motivation to keep mine alive for more than a couple years – kudos for content and perseverance!

  5. Congratulations, Kris – I’m still indebted to you for doing that “make your own blog comment system” script way back when – it rocked! Can you believe there was a time when Blogger weblogs didn’t have comments? Looking forward to your next 10,000 posts.

  6. I see I’m in select company.

    10,000 posts. That’s a seriously impressive effort.

    [Let’s see: I’m up to 6,212 posts since I started using a content management system back in November 2002, plus however many posts I hand-coded the HTML for in the two and a half years prior to that at my original site – probably an average of 2 a day, so that’d be … say, about another 1,800 posts. So you’re still way ahead of me. The really daunting thing about doing a linklog for all this time is how many of the sites I’ve linked to in all those posts are still around. I have a dead link checking script knocking around somewhere but I’m too scared to run it – I really don’t think I want to know!]

    Anyway, congratulations on hitting such a milestone: here’s to the next 10,000!

  7. Congrats on 10,000! That’s alot of stuff to say! I always like to see what you’ve posted 🙂

    I’m coming up on 10 years at sh1ft.org in a couple of weeks but am nowhere near 10,000. I was going to write a ‘photoblogs of yore’ post soon – there are still some old school photo bloggers around too!

  8. Hey Kris — Late to the party (I spent yesterday flying to Kauai), but congrats on 10,000 posts! Thanks for the shout-out, and thanks for keeping the blog flame alive. We’re a small and hardy bunch these days, so it’s good to know Webgoddess will keep on keepin’ on. (Now maybe one of these days, I’ll actually eke out an Oscar victory… :p)

  9. It is meaningful! I’ve really enjoyed following along for the last 10 years and most of the 10K posts. Looking forward to the next 10!

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