Spudds Christmas Party 2011

Spudds Christmas Party 2011
A couple weeks ago was the annual Spudds Christmas Party. I went along to collect the award for our company. There were plenty of people there, but I knew NO ONE. So I got some practice at mingling and small talk with total strangers. (Protip: Find a hot Italian chick and hang out with her. Old dudes will buy you drinks all night.) When I collected the award, Spudd made me give a little speech. I said, “I ran a marathon this year–” and everyone applauded. I continued, “–but I think I was actually prouder the day I got three 100s on the rower.” They roared. Spudd told them that I was one of only two girls to reach that milestone this year. Yay! When I was leaving, I noticed that Spudd’s son Josh had a “photo booth” set up in the corner where he wanted people to take a silly photo. I obliged. Fun night!

Me and Spudd DREAM!