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Dinner tonight: Slow Roasted Lamb Shoulder, Silverbeet, Capsicum, and Beans. #paleo

Dinner tonight: Slow Roasted Lamb Shoulder, Silverbeet, Capsicum, and Beans. #paleo

Edited to add: The lamb is Mark Vetri’s Slow Roasted Lamb Shoulder, and it was excellent. I saw the recipe last week, and fortunately our butcher had a great deal on lamb shoulders. (2 for $30!) You actually brine it in the fridge for 3 days. I modified the recipe a bit. I just did one shoulder, which was about half the size he specified. I used dried rosemary instead of fresh, and I cut down on the sugar a bit. It all went into a big Ziplock and then sat in the fridge getting tasty. Today I cooked it in the slow cooker rather than the oven. I rested it on a bed of onions, carrots, and celery. It smelled AMAZING when we got home. I pulled out the shoulder and set it on a tray to cool. The bones slid out easily. In the recipe, he has you slice it and then fry the chunks for extra crispness. Instead I sorta pulled it apart into shreds on the tray, then whacked it under the grill for a few minutes. Yummy, salty, lamby goodness! The only drawback to the slow cooker is you don’t get nice roast veggies to have with it. (Mine were cooked into mush, which I attempted to turn into a gravy.) Still, a great way to use a cheap, flavourful cut. Will definitely do this one again.