9 thoughts on “”

  1. Damn. At least you get to make out with Oz and Tara. I’m stuck with Cordy and Anya. (Although don’t Willow and Xander get it on during one season 3 ep?) 🙂

  2. Menorah is the candle thing Jews light at Hanukkah. (That’s the clumsiest definition ever, but it’ll do.) I think that’s a Willow question, since her character’s Jewish.

    Buffy kissing Spike? You don’t want me to ruin Season 5 for you, do you? 🙂

  3. Oh I answered Menorah ‘cos I din’t know what it was and thats as good a reason as any.

    Yes go on tell me….please.

  4. No! As a fellow Buffy fan, I have to protect you from yourself. The new season’s started, so just watch on the BBC. 🙂

  5. sorry i’m late to the “i don’t wanna be xander” club meeting, but you have to admit that the ilicit semi-affair between him and willow in ep 3 was de-lish.

  6. I haven’t actually *seen* the episodes yet (only a few more weeks til the DVD!), but based on what I know happens, I think it sounds a bit jerky of him. I mean, how typically guy is that, to suddenly recognize how they feel about a girl as soon as she starts seeing somebody else? Willow pined for him for years while he drooled over Buffy’s leather-clad ass. I hope Oz decks him. 🙂

    Ahhhh, Oz. Now there’s my hero.

    Oh, and my cousin Jenny claims Spike is in “Zoolander.” He’s still starring in my dreams, at any rate! 🙂

  7. don’t me wrong, i totally agree that his motivation is totally suspect, but there was all kinds of sexual angst building up between the two that was simply fabulous.

    slightly off-topic, but it’s only lately that i’ve been realizing i’ll never experience that kinda first-kiss “will he or won’t he” build up ever again. part of me is mourning that fact, but the other 99% of me is so fired up to be married (T-minus 32 days)!

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