2nd place!

It’s official, folks. Yours truly has finally broken out of the “Highly Commended” ghetto with a SECOND PLACE ribbon at the Easter Show for my Rhiannon socks! It feels… anticlimactic. And what’s up with that display? I blocked those socks to perfection, and there they stand (!) all lumpy and wrinkled and weird-looking. I guess maybe they were trying to show off the front cable? I’m told that overall the displays are a much higher quality this year, but that my socks were one of the few sour notes. Sadly, Bokaclava and Sam Sawnoff didn’t win any prizes, but I didn’t really expect them to. (I had hoped that Bokaclava would be displayed on a dummy head! Alas, not..)

I’m working the Knitters Guild stall at the show this Saturday afternoon, so feel free to pop in and say hello!

One thought on “2nd place!”

  1. I am so pleased for you. You worked so hard for so long on those bloody things, you deserved a payoff.

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