Knitting Geekery

Knitting Geekery
I’m still technically on vacation so I don’t want to spend too much time in front of a computer, but I had to tell you how AWESOME it was at Girl Geek Sydney tonight. I was worried that my talk on “geeky knitting” was a bit too twee and non-technical, but everybody seemed to love it! I got to go last and I do feel like the evening ended on a high note. And having my Mom there made it all the more special!

Thanks to everyone who left lovely comments on Twitter and elsewhere. And huge thanks to the members of the Australian Knitters group on Rav who helped with suggestions. My slides are downloadable here with annotations for each example. (I’ve tried to credit each one I used, but please let me know if I missed any.) And feel free to leave a comment with any questions!

Knitting Geekery


2 responses to “Knitting Geekery”

  1. M-H

    That looks as if it would have been a lot of fun. I’m glad your mom was there too.

  2. Grandma Flea

    What can I say! Wish I could understand the mathematics of the Woolly Thoughts people. The other person who is associated with the Woolly Thoughts group, is debbie new. She did a workshop for the Guild many years ago – I didn’t understand a thing, but loved it. And SHE was nervous because she thought the Guild would be all expert+ knitters!