Everybody’s doin’ the Which Friend Are You? quiz, right? Well, let me just tell you how psychotically WRONG it was. It said I was RACHEL. Seriously. I was expecting Ross, since I’m kind of a nerd, but definitely one of the Gellers at any rate. Why Rachel? I’m not high-maintenance! I’m not self-centered! I’m not superficial! Or… am I? Jeez, now I’m starting to think that raving about something like this is such a Rachel thing to do. OH GOD! Maybe Snookums is Ross, and I AM Rachel! AHHHHHHHHHH!
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my condolences, kris. 😉 i got phoebe–thank GOD because she’s the only character on the show that i can stand!
wah-HEY! I got Chandler.
Lets hope thisa time this works, damn ND network grrrrr.
Well, Snookums got Phoebe too, which blows my Ross/Rachel theory out of the water. AND shows how ridiculous this quiz is. I mean, he’s soooo not Phoebe. Although he does have a thing for feng shui… 🙂
from the phoebe results:
…but, like everyone’s favorite beautiful-blond-psychic-masseuse, you never lie and your friends are the most important thing in your life.
i really am a horrible liar. it’s more that i’m too lazy to keep track of what i’ve told and to who.
i took the test, and i go Monica. I especially love the irony (i think it’s irony) that Monica is my least favorite character on the show. i am so confused now.
I’m totally with you there. I haven’t been a Rachel fan since the first season. Even the Snook, who I expected to humor me by saying that I’m pretty like her or something, was like, “RACHEL? God no! She’s all superficial and boy crazy and annoying!” And I’m like, “Thanks.”
You know what, though? I don’t know if you can see it now (like, the current season), but she has been pretty funny. She’s definitely getting better. I didn’t like her before.