So you guys remember the Dahl site I built years and years ago, right? Well, it’s mostly just sat there for a long time now. It seemed to be useful to kids and teachers, and the site more than pays for itself through the Google ads. So I just left it up. Well, a nice young man named Michael Mander contacted me a while ago about a Dahl-themed Facebook page that he runs. We emailed back and forth, and recently I asked him to officially assist me in running RDF. I was a little worried at first – I put so much work into this site for so long, I didn’t want to share it with anyone. But what’s the point of leaving it there slowly mouldering? So Michael is on board, and it’s completely reinvigorating me. I’ve started doing some of the long-planned admin tasks that I never found time to do before. Michael has started pulling together information to fill in gaps in my content. So if you enjoyed the site back in the day, I think you’re going to enjoy it again going forward!