A question for you English-teacher writer types: is there a word that means to put things in order numerically? Kind of like “alphabetize”, but with numbers? Because that’s what I just did with about a bazillion Harry Potter trading cards. 🙂
A question for you English-teacher writer types: is there a word that means to put things in order numerically? Kind of like “alphabetize”, but with numbers? Because that’s what I just did with about a bazillion Harry Potter trading cards. 🙂
Tara D.
October 20, 2001 — 12:11 am
Dude, I may be way off, here, but i think there is a word. It is … Sad.
No, I think it is “numerate” or “enumerate”. I may be completely nutso.
October 20, 2001 — 12:27 am
I think the verb you want is “rank”, used transitively. Or just say “sort numerically”?
October 20, 2001 — 7:10 am
i think serialize would work too, it implies a numerical relationship.
October 20, 2001 — 7:11 am
Well, to “numerate” (also “enumerate”) just means to count something. I’d probably use systematize or sequence or index. Or just take great pains to always use the phrase “in numerical order” so I don’t have to wouldn’t have to come up with a word. 🙂
October 20, 2001 — 2:32 pm
Hmmm. I think index works best. “I am a nerd, as evidenced by the time I spent indexing my Harry Potter trading cards.” Sounds good to me. Thanks guys.