This is it, folks. Boudicca (my lovely iMac) is leaving me to find a new home with my friend Kingsley. Not only that, but the Snook’s computers will be packed up for the shippers tomorrow. As a result I shall be without access to the Internet until we fly home next week and I can pick up my new iBook. A frightening proposition, isn’t it? I haven’t gone cold turkey on the Internet in seven years. Wish me luck, and I’ll see you next week.

6 thoughts on “”

  1. No computer? No internet access? You have my deepest sympathies for your loss… 🙂

    Have a safe journey, and make sure you have a week’s-worth of weblog entries ready for when you get back online. I mean, how will you ever persuade your loyal readers to pay you a penny a page view for your site if you don’t update regularly? 😉

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