Shh! I snuck online on Nick’s computer but don’t tell Snookums. He’s trying to see how long he can go without it. Anyhoo, thanks for all the kind words below. We’re just about ready to go. My computer Boudicca was sent off to live with her new family, and 90% of the rest of our stuff left with the shippers on Friday. (We sent TEN big boxes!) Now we’re down to a suitcase each. It’s very liberating. We leave Tuesday at noon and we should land in Chicago that afternoon. The next time you hear from me I’ll be home in the U.S. of A.! I can taste the Mountain Dew now…
2 responses to “”
how your travels are going well, kris! just being nosy, but did you ship your goods home or to aussieland?
So far so good! We shipped 10 boxes of stuff out to Sydney last week (though it will take it about three months to get there), and we’re carrying the rest (about two suitcases worth each).