- sharonw: Halloween can get really resource-intensive when it falls on a Friday. I needed four separate costumes this year o_o
- macgenie: Benedict Cumberbatch made me smile. Via @ELLEUK: Now THIS is what a feminist looks like http://t.co/TTgOd5l2Uq http://t.co/jPodRVM0Yc
- Salon: #Gamergate broke my heart: @arthur_affect on how the movement gave gamers a bad name http://t.co/U7UQcHV3V1 http://t.co/BBuHq5yfdV
- CNET: Tim Cook: ‘So let me be clear: I’m proud to be gay’ http://t.co/p2niGlGJvU http://t.co/gvCv9j3joS