I’m so out of the loop here. That’s good for some things – I haven’t read any news about anthrax for over a week now. There are drawbacks to being disconnected though. Bob Davie got fired? Ouch. That sucks for him. He may have been the third “losing-est” coach we’ve had, but I’d rank him near the top in terms of “rugged good looks”. 🙂
4 responses to “”
i always kind of thought he looks like John from Days of Our Lives when he squints.
and when is John Black not squinting? too funny. 🙂
If any of you rips on my boy, I will kick some ass and take some names. As John Black once said, “Doc! Doc!” That’s all.
I love it when John rips on his “And that’s a fact!” catchphrase.
Did you know he’s from Fort Wayne, Indiana? Seriously! I was at a diner downtown (Cindy’s, I think) and they had a signed picture from him. I’m like, “Wow! Drake Hogestyn actually came through Fort Wayne??” And the owner’s like, “No, he’s from here. He and his wife come back every year for the Three Rivers Festival.” And I’m like, “Holy shit. I’m going to come back and stalk John Black.” But I never did. Someone should though. (Why did I not remember this before? We totally could’ve turned it into a Weasel Road Trip, Sal!)