Have I mentioned that Sydney has both Taco Bell and Mountain Dew? Unfortunately there’s a trade-off though. I was riding the bus with Snookums the other day when I realized that something was missing. We’ve been through the central shopping district several times, and never have I seen that familiar blue sign. There’s no GAP! Where are we going to buy our pants now?
3 responses to “”
Hey – Glad to hear all is well – the flat sounds so cool ! Say Hi to the Snook and if you still know the root for Boudicca – that would be cool – in an email of course !
You might be okay…
The people who own GAP are the same folks who own Old Navy (low-end GAP) and Banana Republic (high-end GAP). If there’s either in Sydney, you should be able to find a decent pair of pants. 😉
Actually, at home in the U.S. I preferred Old Navy to Gap. They seemed a bit funkier, and the exact same pair of jeans would cost you $20 less. Unfortunately I haven’t seen any of them here. I’m going to have to find other jeans that fit!