Happy blog-birthday to me!

Original w-g

This blog is now 14 years old. FOURTEEN! (I’m sure some of you don’t even realise we had the Internet in 2001, but we did.) Things were a little different back when it launched:

  • different domain name – web-goddess.co.uk (since I was living in London)
  • different layout – which you can actually still see!
  • different backend system – Blogger until I got sick of its outages and wrote my own replacement three months later
  • no social network integration – because they didn’t exist

For many years, I marked this day with an epic post where I listed a bunch of interesting stats like how many posts there were, who the most prominent commenters were, etc. Two years ago I stopped, mostly because the dwindling numbers were getting depressing. Yeah, the personal blog is pretty much dead. I think Kevin and John are the only friends from my original blogroll still going. Comments are few and far between. Still, I like the continuity of having this archive of my life for the past fourteen years. It’s the longest I’ve ever done anything, and the longer it goes, the harder it gets to stop. (Hence all the social media stuff I added this year in an effort to keep the narrative of online-me intact.)

I still feel the need for some sort of summation for 2014 though, more as a prompt for reflection rather than anything else:


3 responses to “Happy blog-birthday to me!”

  1. Happy blog-birthday! Please keep blogging. Like you, I can’t bear the thought of abandoning the personal archive aspect of blogging. Probably unlike you, this seems to become even more vital as I age.

  2. Anna Ruth

    Kris, I read regularly although I rarely comment. I agree with Lyn, please keep blogging.

  3. Congratulations! I love your blog (though I have no idea why it only came on my radar relatively recently). Long may you continue!

    I’ve noticed a step decline over the years in the comments on the blogs I read. I really think RSS is largely responsible – reading blogs via a reader requires you to make an effort to click through and comment – I think reading blogs has become more of a passive exercise than it was back in the day when there were a small group of inter-connected bloggers (also, get off my lawn).

    A couple of my ImaginaryInternetFriends are making an effort this year to regularly comment on the blogs they love. I think this is an Ace! idea.