
Lessons on Women and Power Dressing — The Cut – Interesting thing to think about. I want to be someone who has a definable personal style, but I’m constantly getting distracted. I can never quite get it together to ruthlessly curate and edit a wardrobe to just things that go together. A few years ago someone gave me a tip that Sportscraft would suit me, and I’ll since bought several of their dresses. But they’re mixed in my closet with dresses from Op Shops, Target, Heart of Haute, Myer, and of course, dresses that I’ve sewn myself. If I’ve got an important meeting, I usually dress a bit more “grown-up.” (That’s how I actually think of it in my mind.) But at the end of the week on a Friday, all bets are off. Yesterday as I walked to work in a homemade sundress, cardigan, and sneakers, I found myself standing at a crosswalk next to a 10-year-old wearing pretty much the exact same outfit. Hmm. I secretly wondered if I looked ridiculous, a grown 37-year-old woman dressed like a grade schooler. I went from feeling happy and comfortable to a bit embarrassed. Maybe the real problem is that I OVERTHINK EVERYTHING, RIGHT?

I did dress “corporate” for the three months I worked at CBA, and I hated every minute of it. I hated having to always tuck in my shirt; I hated having to carry a “sensible purse”; I hated hated HATED women’s slacks. It was such a relief to get out of there and back into a more “startup” style culture where a bit more personal expression was expected. Maybe that’s why I haven’t settled on a work “uniform” yet – because my career has meant that I never really had to.

Still, my style has changed a little. The big change is that I wear dresses a lot, LOT more than I did just a few short years ago. When I first participated in Frocktober in 2011, one of my co-workers at the time commented with surprise that “You never wear dresses!” And now I’ve got enough for every day of the month plus some. And now here we are a mere three years later, and when I wear jeans now people comment on the novelty of it. So I guess that’s pretty much the extent of my style evolution these days.

Oh, and I wear a little makeup now, but only when I feel like it.