Whole30: Wrap-up

As you may have surmised, I didn’t quite make it the full 30 days for the Whole30. I made it 25 and then got a bit derailed by Australia Day. I had bircher muesli with yogurt that morning at breakfast, and then over the course of a long dinner party had a lot of alcohol and some chocolates too. I definitely paid the price the next day. (“SNOOKUMS HALP I HAVE POISONED MYSELF WAAAAAAAAHHHH!”) I finished out the week eating clean with the exceptions of a gummy worm Thursday (during an 8-hour work meeting, so really just eating one qualifies as superhuman restraint) and some drinks last night to celebrate our mortgage refinance. I’m feeling pretty good about transitioning to more of an 80/20 approach, which should allow for a bit more spontaneity and the occasional meal out as well.

Overall weight loss in January 2015: 5.3kg. Woot!