Computer Systems Analyst FTW.

Will Your Job Be Done By A Machine? : Planet Money : NPR – Interesting little tool. I plugged in some of the professions relevant to the Snook and myself. “Computer Programmer” has a 48.1% chance of being automated, but “Software Developers Applications” is only 4.2%. But then “Information Security Analysts, Web Developers and Computer Network Architects” falls in the middle at 20.6%. (I wonder what the distinction is?) “Computer and Information Systems Managers” looks pretty good – only 3.5% chance of being automated. The C-suite is even better at 1.5%. But I think “Computer Systems Analyst” is probably the the absolute best – only 0.6% chance of being automated! Maybe I should’ve got that IIBA certification after all… (The backup plan, as always, is to chuck it all and become a full-time “craft artist.” Only 3.5% chance of being automated! Sure, nanotech will replace a lot of production, but there will always be a market to sell quality handmade goods to the Vickies, right?)