Inflammatory, but true!

My Burger Manifesto | Lucky Peach – David Chang lays down his vision of the perfect burter. My favourite bit:

You know who fucks up burgers more than anyone else in the world? Australians. Australia has no idea what a burger is. They put a fried egg on their burger. They put canned beetroot on it, like a wedge of it. I am not joking you. This is how they eat their burger.

Ha! Sorry my Aussie countrymen, but he ain’t wrong.


One response to “Inflammatory, but true!”

  1. gilmae

    He is wrong.

    It’s a hamburger, not a burger, and until he fixes that he will always be wrong. He may in fact be irredeemable.

    There is no point discussing his further wrongness beyond that point.

    But he is wrong. And should feel wrong.