Mission accomplished! It took four and a half hours – and four separate dyeing operations – to take me from bright red to sensible brown. (Well, it’s actually a sort of reddish-blondish-brown, but it looks good.) First we had the bleach bath, which took out some of the red. Then a lightening operation, which left me with peroxide blond hair with reddish streaks. Then a light brown color, which turned it into a lovely dark strawberry blonde. And then another darker brown, which evened everything out. So see? I worked in all of your suggestions! (Minus the black, you knuckleheads.) ๐
3 responses to “”
When can we see a pic of this new ‘do? I am simply dye-ing to see it. (Did I just… I mean, I didn’t go there, did I?!?)
Ahhhhhh! As a comedian, I think you’re only legally allowed to make those puns after the age of 70. But I’ll let this one slide with a warning… (because your disbelief was pretty funny). ๐
Picture? Well, I wanna wash it a few more times to get the excess brownness out, and then I’ll see if the Snook can take a decent shot of me.
Sigh. I still think you should’ve gone black. ๐