To counteract the effects of the decadent Italian dinner I had last night, I am declaring today to be a “detox” day. Fruit, veg, and lots of water, and that’s it. Wish me luck.

4 thoughts on “”

  1. good luck — and a note: I did a detox weekend (fruit, veg, water) last month and found the first day was really painful — I had a horrid headache & was STARVING … BUT, the 2nd day was a breeze & I felt great & really energised. So — you might want to keep it up one more day for greater benefit (or not — it could be time for another Italian meal!)

  2. Hmmm… I was just about to cave and have some real food for dinner. Now I’m not so sure. Do you really think it was worth it?

    And hey, is this Stefanie Wulfesteig?

  3. Oh…. [groan]

    I had to detox on Sunday after Olive Garden on Friday, and a binge-free-for-all at the wedding reception on Saturday. If Justin had warned me that the reception would be catered by an Italian restaurant, and was all-you-can-eat, I would’ve asked him to take me to Bennigan’s or Lonestar or something. I don’t even want to THINK about Italian food for a while. 😉

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