The tickle I’ve been feeling in the back of my throat for two days can be ignored no longer. I’m sick, folks. *pout* Snookums has been taking good care of me though. Orange juice and chicken soup are on the menu today!
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You know, for the last 7-8 days I’ve had what seems to be laryngitus, after talking for about 20 minutes I go a bit hoarse. And for the rest of the time, I have this constant ‘sore throat’. I hope it goes away because otherwise I’ll have to go on anti-biotics and I *don’t* like antibiotics! Hope you get better soon, Kris.
Yes, do get better soon. I’ve been fighting a cough these past few days, myself. I think it’s this wacky weather around here, altho since Australia is in the dead of Summer you don’t have the same excuse as me. 😉
Here it’s been 60 degrees one minute, then 20 degrees the next. It almost makes me wish for the constant aching cold of a Hoosier Winter. Almost.
It’s the weirdest cold ever. My sinuses aren’t really affected. Mostly my throat is just kinda dry and tickly (and occasionally mucus-y), I cough every now and then, and I’ve got a headache and fever. I drank a liter of orange juice yesterday though. 🙂