Fashion horrors

Walking through the Broadway Shopping Centre today, my bad fashion spidey-sense started tingling. I quickly looked around for the source of the irritation. No, it wasn’t any of my fellow shoppers, and it certainly wasn’t me. That’s when I realized that every mannequin in every single shop window was wearing… a ra-ra skirt. *shudder* It’s back, ladies. In a big way.


2 responses to “Fashion horrors”

  1. anon

    Gods, next thing you know it’ll be bubble skirts, banana clips and leg warmes. Save me from the 80’s.

  2. Tara D.

    What the f? Is this a big thing? WHat is with the french-renaissance comeback this year (everything fluffy, layered, “romantic” and fakey)? To me, it looks slightly can-can (another double word for that skirt). I think I’ll stick with Old Navy.