iPods can be used to steal software. Well, duh. So can a friggin’ floppy disk. The real point of this article is that Apple machines were being sold in an environment where none of the sales staff had any clue how to secure them. And that’s the whole argument for the Apple retail stores, and why Apple has such a small market share anyway. CompUSA sucks.
3 responses to “iPods”
Yes, yes it does. Apple Stores rock!
Have you been to one? Where? I wanna try to hit one when I visit the States next.
I bought my iBook and iPod at the Apple Store in Clarendon, Virginia. It’s in a really neat new shopping plaza across from a Fresh Fields, which means that every time I visit Clarendon, I leave completely broke. ;P
The store itself is beautiful, Kris. It’s all lucite and hardwood and titanium. There are giant murals on the walls, and everything is laid out perfectly for you to play with. There’s a 6-ft. projection screen in the back, with benches all around and a podium — that’s where they have mini seminars and training sessions. Next to that is a little place called the Genius Bar, where all the Apple support guys sit. The guys in Clarendon rock… They’ve been working with Apples for years and years and you can tell they love them as much as you do.
Sigh. I was much impressed by the Apple Store, and happy that they decided to put one in D.C. It’s a nice two-block walk from the Metro. Hee! I get happy thinking about it. When the weather is nicer, I’ll have to go over there more often.
You should definitely try to put a visit to the Apple Store on your itinerary next time you’re in the States.