- evolvable: Does the #MelbourneCup really stop the nation?
@Tyro's payments metrics say "no", although it does make a dent. https://t.co/9OCxcpwNnT - NicoleWill100: Australian snowstorm https://t.co/1vKDaPcESn
- Quibb: Why Static Website Generators Are The Next Big Thing via @MistOne https://t.co/fjEy055MIQ https://t.co/tWOKJlH56C
- BlindChow: CEO: stock is down…profits are down…it's over
GARY: what if the stars were hearts
CEO: gary you just saved this fucking company
- diversionary: I'm experimenting with Medium, so what better than “How to make Cold Brew Coffee” as a first post? https://t.co/hZkfiDGLTT #samplebrewcrew
- JennaPrice: I hate the hearts. Hate them.
- kouky: It’s 2015 and still can’t centre a fucking image on a web page without jumping through hoops.