Notre Dame blew out their first round opponent… but now we face top-ranked Duke. Hopefully St. Paddy’s day will give us some Irish luck!


9 responses to “”

  1. Moire

    Dude, Maryland has a suck-ass team and they were able to beat out Duke once this year. If THEY can do it, I’m sure Notre Dame can do it, too!

    God, I hate basketball. Here I was, raised in the Hoosier state, the state where (college) basketball rules supreme, and I absolutely despised the sport.

    Something must be wrong with me. ;P

  2. Tricia

    You know, I was really starting to feel that special female bonding glow goin’ on, but


    Oops, how did that slip out? 4 years must leave a strong imprint.

    But come on, did any of you “Domers”(did I get the venacular nickname right?) really think that you’d have a chance against the best basketball players in the country?? from one of the best academic institutions in the US of A??

    I must say that I’m happy that you made it to the tournament and I did have you winning the first game in my bracket. Congrats!

    Wow; you’d think that those Duke fundraisers were paying me instead of the other way around (you’re a student for only 4 years; you’re an alum forever…)

    Okay, I admit it: there’s a legit reason everybody hates us Dukies…

  3. Actually, Tricia, you sound a lot like us “Domers” during football season. (Or at any rate, during previous football seasons, when we didn’t suck so badly.) Anyway, I’m not an actual fan of the team; I’m just glad they’re doing well. We need all the victories we can get.

  4. I had to comment on the last two thoughts there. . .I am a “domer” as well as 2 of my 3 brothers. The other is a Duke alum, and is really the gung-ho basketball fan. This game should equal lots of phone calls between Dad (an ND alum) and brother. . . expensive but worth it!!

  5. For those who don’t follow basketball ND lost to Duke but played *really* well. They would have beaten most teams. An FYI for anyone confused by Moire, MD did beat Duke, and while they are suck-ass, they are also a top 3 team. And anyway Duke beat MD worse in their other game. A lot of peaople don’t like Duke but they should because our players are nice guys. They really are. They deserve the success they have. I’m not just making this up either–as class of 2001 I had chance to meet a lot of them. Chris Duhon is especially cool and a really funny guy. Shane Battier is an inspiring human being. He really really is. But I digress. (Sorry if I ramble but I can’t contain myself–it’s March Madness!!.) GO DUKE!!!!

  6. Well, I’m willing to concede that Duke fans certainly are gracious winners. It sounds like it was a heck of a game. If the guys are as nice as you say, Dan, then they deserve to go all the way.

    And Chris – thanks for stopping by! I’ve seen your site before. Which dorm are you in? I was a PW girl from 95-99.

  7. I guess I should have said. . .I am a domer alum. I graduated in 1986 (had my 15 year reunion the weekend of my wedding…guess which one I went to?) I lived in Lyons

  8. Ahh, I see. I thought you were much younger. So wait… where do you live? Are the B&N and Finnegan’s you mention on your site the ones in the Bend?

  9. NO, I live outside Pittsburgh. I didn’t remember about the Finnegans in SB until you mentioned it. . .
    We will be heading to ND for a wedding in a month. My cousin is a double domer grad and is getting married there. My hubby hasn’t had a tour of my world there yet!!!

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