Trivia Question: Can you name five countries that end in the letter “r”? No cheating and using an atlas! It took the Snook and I about five minutes to puzzle them out. Three are easier, but the last two are hard. I’ll throw out some hints if no one gets them.
8 responses to “”
Since you and Snook got them in about five minutes, I decided to give myself five minutes as well. I came up with Ecuador, El Salvador, Madagascar, and Qatar. I’ll probably think of this fifth one as soon as I hit the submit button.
PS: Happy belated birthday … I’ve been out of the loop a bit and am still getting caught up on my blog reading.
is the other one myanmar? bri and i got all the other 4 except el salvador (we think the 2-word thing threw us for a loop). however, we weren’t sure if myanmar was actually a country or not. i only know that rangoon is there (thanks, video clue). it took us like 15 seconds to get those 4.
Yep. Myanmar it is. Very good! Snook got that and Qatar; I got the others. We needed some hints though. (Granted, we had been drinking.) 🙂
Welcome back, Ron! Thanks. Hope you had a nice holiday…
is the other one myanmar? bri and i got all the other 4 except el salvador (we think the 2-word thing threw us for a loop). however, we weren’t sure if myanmar was actually a country or not. i only know that rangoon is there (thanks, video clue). it took us like 15 seconds to get those 4.
Hmmm … I thought the fifth one was going to be Niger. It appears there are actually six answers. And yes, I cheated to find Niger. And yes, I was also working on a couple Bacardi Silvers. Yum.
I thought Niger was “Nigeria”. Isn’t it? I thought of that one too, but the guy asking the question said it wasn’t one of the answers.
Niger and Nigeria are two different countries, both in Africa AND (just to add to the confusion) are adjacent to one another. [map]
Wow. It’s obviously been awhile since my last geography class. Thanks for tracking down the info!